Welcome to Year 1
Year 1
Teacher - Mrs K Dickinson
Supported by - Mrs R Hussain and Miss L Szliszka
Class Email - Year1@can.fa1.uk
Year 1 Long Term Overview
Year 1 Autumn 2 Newsletter: What are we doing this term?
Your child will receive a Read Write Inc. book as well as a book bag book each week. Reading is the most important skill your child will ever learn and your support in this learning process is vital. Your child will also choose a library book. Please bring all books to school EVERY day.
Each child has been given an Oxford Reading Buddies password where even more reading resources can be found.
P.E. will take place every Thursday and Friday. Please ensure your child's PE kit is in school on these days.
Maths - CJ Visual Calculation Policy
Year 1,Autumn 2 History
Year 1, Autumn 2 Science
Year 1, Autumn 2 Art
Year 1, Autumn 2 Computing
Year 1, Autumn 2 Music
Autumn 2, RE
Autumn 1, Geography Unit:
Autumn 1, RE
Autumn 1, Science Unit:
Autumn 1, Music Unit:
Autumn 1, Computing Units:
Autumn 1, Design and Technology Unit:
Autumn 1, RE