Safeguarding at Canon Johnson
Safeguarding is a vitally important part of our job at Canon Johnson. All the staff are trained at least once a year and have regular updates on how to recognise safeguarding concerns and who to contact if they are worried about a pupil in school.
As a parent/carer of pupils at school or if you are a member of the local community, we need you to support us by relaying any concerns you have with people in school, or if it is a school holiday, making the local service hub aware. Below are the contacts in school that you can speak to and the number of the local service hub if you are concerned about a child who you feel may be at risk of harm. Please do not hesitate to contact us however small the worry and we will ensure that the matter is dealt with.
Here are the contacts you need:
Head Teacher Miss K Pollard 0161 330 3169 or email:
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Miss L Buckle or email:
Deputy DSLs Miss K Pollard, Mrs L Martin and Mrs K Owen 0161 330 3169
Designated Teacher for Looked after Children Miss L Buckle:
Chair of Governors Mr P Bond
Nominated Governor for Safeguarding and Child Protection Mr A Kashim
Tameside Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub.
Hours – Monday to Wednesday 8.30 am to 5pm, Thursday 8.30am to 4.30pm, Friday 8.30am to 4pm.
Tel: 0161 342 4101 Out of hours Tel 0161 342 2222
Our Safeguarding Policy