Ofsted and SIAMS Report
Ofsted Inspections
Inspections are carried out by one or more inspectors and each inspection must follow a specific framework devised for that particular provider; for example: ‘Framework for the inspection of maintained schools in England’; ‘The Common inspection framework for further education and skills’; and ‘Framework for the regulation of those on the Early Years and Childcare Registers.’
In terms of school inspections, an Ofsted inspector is required to report on the achievement of pupils at the school, the quality of teaching in the school, the quality of leadership in and management of the school, and the behaviour and safety of pupils at the school. Inspectors also consider the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils at the school and the extent to which the education provided by the school meets the needs of the range of pupils at the school and, in particular, the needs of disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs.
Under the current inspection framework for education providers, inspectors make graded judgements on the respective areas. In terms of an Ofsted rating, schools are graded on a four-point scale: Outstanding, Good, Requires Improvement, inadequate.
Here is a link to our Dfe Schools Performance table: https://www.compare-school-performance.service.gov.uk/school/146716/canon-johnson-cofe-primary-school/absence-and-pupil-population
SIAMS Inspections
A SIAMS inspection focuses on the impact of the Church school’s Christian vision on pupils and adults within the school community. Inspectors will consider the school’s vision, its provision and how effective that provision is. It is recognised that schools will have a range of approaches to reflect their unique contexts and therefore SIAMS inspectors will appreciate that ‘one size’ does not fit all schools. Instead, they will take the school’s context into consideration and look at outcomes rather than processes.